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Pine Hill Elementary

Dec. 15th newsletter

Posted Date: 12/16/24 (2:00 AM)

Pine Hill & South Bay Weekly Newsletter
December 15, 2024
Important Dates
Important Upcoming Dates:
  • Dec 18 & 19th- SB Boys Bball tryouts
  • Dec. 20th- SB Lunch on the Quad
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 3- Winter Break
  • Jan. 6th- Back to school!
boy playing basketball
Boys Basketball Tryouts
Boys Basketball try-outs at South Bay will be on Wed. 12/18 & Thurs. 12/19 from 3:30-4:30. Students must have their physical forms turned in and be wearing appropriate shoes for tryouts.
two snowmen holding gifts
South Bay & Pine Hill Spirit Week 12/16-12/20
Show your school spirit for Spirit week, which will be held the week before Winter Break, Mon. 12/16 through Fri.12/20.

Mon- Holiday hats
Tues- SB- Grinch Day (wear green), PH- Dress for assembly
Wed- Pajama Day
Thurs- Flannel shirts
Fri- Ugly Sweater

South Bay will have an Ugly Sweater Contest at the assembly on Friday!
South Bay Earthquake & Tsunami update
Dear South Bay Families,

I want to extend a huge shout-out to the incredible staff here at South Bay, who ensured the safety of our students during Thursday's earthquake and tsunami warning. The response from our students was exemplary, as all classrooms quickly and calmly instructed students to take cover under their desks before evacuating to the playground, then moving to the upper field—an area outside of the tsunami zone. Throughout the entire event, our students remained safe and composed.
During the continued tsunami warning, students talked with their peers, enjoyed a picnic lunch on the upper field, and once the all-clear was given, we returned to class with clear instructions on how to handle future earthquakes.
Our team gathered to reflect on the day's events and discuss ways to further enhance safety measures in the future. Given that South Bay is located in a tsunami zone, we want to ensure that both students and staff are always protected. Our upper field will continue to serve as our designated safe area in case of a tsunami warning, as it is in the safe zone.
We understand that you may want to pick up your child after an earthquake or when a tsunami warning has been issued. However, during a tsunami evacuation warning, driving though the low lying areas around our school could pose a real danger to you and your child. We ask that you consider this should you choose to pick your child up while the evacuation warning is in effect. If you need to pick up your child while a warning is still in effect, please enter the campus through the library gate (located in the middle of the parking lot) and proceed up to the upper field for check-out where our staff will assist you in reunification. 
Please rest assured that we are committed to keeping your child safe at South Bay. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Warm regards,
Heather Becksted
Principal, South Bay

Tsunami Hazard Information
Order PH or SB Swag for the Holidays!
We have changed and updated our school swag for this school year. Items can be purchased in our online store and will be shipped directly to your home. You can choose your favorite shirt, sweatshirt, hat, bag or other apparel and then chose from Pine Hill or South Bay logos to add to i. Check out your options at
Clothes hanging on a rack
Lost and Found
Our lost and found rack is overflowing! Please take a moment to look at it and bring home items that your child has left behind. We will donate whatever is not picked up during winter break.
Lunch on the Lawn
Lunch on the Lawn & Quad
This year we will continue our tradition of having Lunch on the Lawn at Pine Hill on the 4th Friday of the month. Lunch on the Quad at South Bay will be the 3rd Friday of the month. Be sure to mark your calendars now and watch for reminders in our newsletters!
Family Resource Center
Family Resource Center
If you need additional support to start your school year off right the FRC is here to help! call 707-445-5933, or stop by either campus.
The FRC is able to help with:
  • school supplies and clothing
  • Friday Food Bag slots are currently open
  • Diapers sizes 1-5 are available
  • Preschool playgroup starting soon
cafeteria food on tray
SBUSD food services
South Bay Union School District is proud to offer breakfast, recess snacks and lunch for free for all students at Pine Hill and South Bay schools! Breakfast is provided before school in both cafeterias, snacks offered at recess and lunch during scheduled lunch times. Please be sure to check the menu to know what will be served during the week.
School Menu
SBUSD Website